Firing Equipment
Beralmar offers the most comprehensive range of firing equipment, from burners for all fuel types (gas, liquid and solid) to other equipment that aid in achieving ideal conditions in the various kiln zones. Our high level of specialisation in the firing process and constant investment on R&D allow us to offer firing solutions suited of every need.

Gas Burners
As the most comprehensive supplier of different fuel burners in the market, Beralmar has the broadest range of gas burners to provide the right technology for each stage in the firing process and heat generation.

Solid-Fuel Burners
Solid fuels such as mineral coal or petroleum coke have been used for many years in the ceramics industry, yet never with the product quality and working conditions achieved with our patented PROMATIC and MICROMATIC systems operating at over 100 ceramics works in Europe, Africa, Asia, America and Asia Pacific.

Heavy oil burners
Beralmar offer pulse and gasification heavy-oil burners both for tunnel kilns and for Hoffman-type tunnels, as well as total burners for these firing facilities: filtering and pre-heating stations, electrical pumps, etc. In 1964 Beralmar built the first heavy-diesel burner used in heavy clay in Spain.

Other equipment
Beralmar designs and builds other essential kiln equipment needed to perfect the firing process and achieve a better-quality product.