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Quality policy

Scope of quality management system:

The design, manufacture and sale, locally and internationally, of:

  • Engineering solutions for the manufacture of turnkey factories, for the tile and brick sector.
  • All Capital Equipment for the tile and brick sector.
  • Gas, biogas, biomass, fuel, petroleum coke and coal combustion for different.


1.- Customer focus, to achieve the highest level of satisfaction, through:

  • A scrupulous fulfillment of the agreed requirements
  • An impeccable service
  • Awareness in responding to the implicit needs of the product and customer service (technical advice, spirit of service etc.)

2.- Improving the company’s competitiveness through continuous process improvement, with the contribution of all the staff and focusing on:

  • Improvement of product quality
  • Improvement of service
  • Improvement of costs and the financial results of the company

3.- Evolution towards a participative culture of leadership, management and in the working environment, understanding as a fundamental value that,

"The contribution to the improvement of the Quality Management System of each one of its components is the basis on which we can evolve strongly in the future and this will allow us to be more competitive every day and will guarantee our continuity”.

For this reason, the Management undertakes to provide the necessary resources for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of the Quality Management System based on the ISO 9001 standard.
