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New setting and dehacking line for the NEXE GROUP

BERALMAR has supplied a setting and dehacking line for the NEXE GROUP, specifically for the IGM STRAŽILOVO block plant that the group based in Croatia has in Sremski Karlovci (Serbia). Although ...

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Supply of a singular firing installation for Wienerberger

At the beginning of March, a singular gas firing installation left the BERALMAR workshops, with destination to the factory that WIENERBERGER has in Kunigal (Karnataka, India).

The Kunig...

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New setting line in Kazakhstan

BERALMAR started designing and manufacturing automations over a decade ago with the aim of offering complete production lines using 100% proprietary technology (obviously excluding the clay preparatio...

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New installation of clean hot air generators using petcoke

Beralmar has just commissioned a new installation for the generation of clean hot air using petcoke combustion.
The installation has been implemented in the CERAMICA LA MÉDITERRANÉE brick p...

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Process improvements for the NEXE group

BERALMAR has recently carried out improvement projects in two factories of the NEXE group. With a total of 11 tunnel kilns distributed around Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia, for the manufacture of blocks ...

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New factory in Uzbekistan

BERALMAR has just commissioned a new factory in Uzbekistan. The new factory, called CERAMIC BRICKS, is located on the outskirts of the historic city of Samarkand, famous for being a hub on the silk ro...

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Modification of a kiln in Hungary

BERALMAR has just completed the modification of a tunnel kiln in Hungary, for the PÁPATESZERI TÉGLAIPARI brick plant in Pápateszer, in the northwest of the country.

The modification ...

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New project in Bangladesh

BERALMAR is working on a strategic new project: the supply of a new production line for MIRPUR CERAMICS, the leading ceramic brick manufacturer in Bangladesh.

The new factory, called SU...

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New petcoke combustion chamber

BERALMAR has started to market a product that has been long-awaited, especially in certain markets.

As leading experts in solutions for the combustion of all types of fuels for both fir...

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New solid-fuel firing facility

BERALMAR has installed a new solid-fuel firing facility. It is a MICROMATIC system which has been supplied to CERÁMICA BELIANES in Belianes in Lleida (Catalonia).

It uses petcoke, whic...

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New project in Turkmenistan

BERALMAR has been working for a few months on the supply of a complete plant in Turkmenistan.

The new plant, which will be called DÖWLETI DOWREN, will be multi-product with a capacity ...

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Commissioning of a new plant in Kazakhstan

BERALMAR has just commissioned a new plant in Kazakhstan. The new ASTANA CERAMIC, in the outskirts of Astana.

Astana literally means "capital city" in Kazakh, and indeed it has been the...

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Commissioning of a new plant in Malaysia

BERALMAR has just commissioned a new plant in Malaysia. It is a new production line for KILANG BATU BATA HAP KEE (Serandah, Malaysia) for which BERALMAR has supplied a dryer and a tunnel kiln for a pr...

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Novo projeto de instalação completa no Cazaquistão

A BERALMAR está a trabalhar no fornecimento de uma nova linha de produção para a cerâmica BOSHAN, a poucos quilómetros de Astana, capital do Cazaquistão. O pedido realizado por BOSHAN inclui...

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Nova instalaçäo MICROMATIC em Espanha

A BERALMAR instalou recentemente uma nova instalação de cozedura com combustíveis sólidos em Espanha. Trata-se da CERÁMICA SAN JAVIER de Pantoja (Toledo), onde foi instalado um sistema MICROM...

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Novos pedidos para produzir calor com biomassa em Marrocos

Neste início de ano a BERALMAR está a atender novos pedidos de equipamentos para a produção de ar quente limpo para secadores para Marrocos, a partir de biomassa.

A biomassa disponível...

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Arranque de uma nova fábrica na Bolívia

A BERALMAR acaba de colocar em funcionamento uma nova fábrica. Trata-se de uma linha de produção de 600 t/dia de blocos cerâmicos para a CERÁMICA DEL ESTE, sediada em Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bol...

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Nova câmara de combustão de biomassa em Espanha

A BERALMAR forneceu uma nova câmara de combustão para combustíveis sólidos, um dos equipamentos com mais procura nos últimos tempos.

Neste caso trata-se de uma câmara de combustão de...

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