Combustion chamber micronized coke model CCP

CCP chamber
CCP chamber

The operating principle of the CCP chamber model is based on a sophisticated technique of tangential injection of micronized coke, which prolongs the residence time of the fuel inside the chamber. Prior to this, the chamber is preheated using a burner that utilizes fuels such as fuel oil, gas, or gas-oil, reaching an optimal temperature for the autoignition of the micronized coke.

The injection of secondary air into the chamber follows the same tangential path as the fuel, creating a suspension of particles that enhances combustion efficiency.

The supply of micronized coke to the combustion chamber is carried out through a pneumatic transport system.

The combustion chamber is directly connected to the GB heat exchanger model or steam boiler, thus providing clean hot air to the mixing chamber, where the necessary heat for the drying process is extracted.

This comprehensive configuration ensures efficient and optimized heat transfer, maximizing the effectiveness of the system as a whole. The CCP model chamber offers an advanced and highly effective solution for industrial drying applications.