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New project in Bolivia ()

BERALMAR is working on an important new project. This is the provision of a tunnel kiln and dryer for the new production line at CERÁMICA DEL ESTE in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia).

The new facility is expected to reach a production of 600 tonnes/day of hollow bricks and consists of a 127 metre-long FORNTHERMIC tunnel, including pre-kiln, with an internal width of 4.5 metres and a MESTRAL semi-continuous dryer with 6 kiln car lanes. Both the kiln and the dryer will be operated by MICROBER and MICROSEC automatic control equipment respectively.

The main fuel used in this new production line will be natural gas, which is abundant in the Andean country.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank CERÁMICA DEL ESTE for the trust they have deposited in BERALMAR.

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