Two new orders in Spain and Serbia
Beralmar Tecnologic S.A. announces two new orders for the modernization of gas burners in Spain and Serbia. Spain: We have received an order to upgrade a high-speed group with 16 injectors and four...
New order in Tunisia
We are pleased to announce that Beralmar Tecnologic S.A. has been selected to modernize combustion systems in 3 rapid dryers and 2 Tunnel Kilns in Tunisia, with a total production of 1600 tons per day...
Pallet-free packaging line by Beralmar
Beralmar Tecnologic S.A is currently commissioning an innovative pallet-free packaging line designed for a daily production of 500 tons. This acquisition seamlessly integrates at the end of the existi...
New multiproduct cutting line
Beralmar Tecnologic S.A is pleased to announce the receipt of a new order for a multiproduct cutting line intended for one of our clients in the Spanish market. This advanced solution enables the ma...
New kiln modernization order for North America
We are pleased to announce that BERALMAR TECNOLOGIC S.A. has received a new order for the modernization of a kiln for a significant client in North America. The supply includes:
Sunshine Bricks, the new brick factory of Beralmar Tecnologic S.A. in Bangladesh!
Beralmar Tecnologic S.A. has supplied the first European brick factory in Bangladesh, marking an important milestone in our trajectory. Sunshine Bricks has a production capacity of 400 tons per day of...
Modernization in the drying and firing process for BRAMPTON BRICK
BRAMPTON BRICK, one of the leading brick manufacturing companies in Canada, has relied on the experience and know-how of BERALMAR TECNOLOGIC S.A to carry out a significant modernization in one of its ...
New order for gas burners model FOC20/MV
We are pleased to announce that in early 2023 we received a new order for high-speed burners model FOC20/MV for one of the leading ceramics companies in the Balkans. At BERALMAR, we take pride in b...
Orders no. 101 and 102 of MICROMATIC firing systems
In the first quarter of 2023 Beralmar Tecnologic S.A. will have two more references for micronised solid fuel firing systems. The MICROMATIC system consists of storage silos, a closed distribution ...
Succesful commisioning of a GBS/2500 in Paraguay.
Beralmar Tecnologic S.A. has just started up a biomass hot air generator model GBS/2500 (2.500.000 Kcal/h). The decision to acquire a GBS heat generator allows them to work with clean and hot air ...
Modernization of automatic management equipment in PROCERAN (Spain)
BERALMAR is carrying out an intervention in PROCERAN brick plant in Aguilar de la Frontera (Córdoba, Spain) of GRUPO DÍAZ REDONDO, with the aim of implementing a new management system for the drying...
BRAMPTON BRICK trusts in Beralmar again
BRAMPTON BRICK is Canada's leading brick manufacturer, accounting for approximately 30% of the country's production. They are also an old customer of BERALMAR, with whom we have cooperated several ...
New step grate combustion chamber
BERALMAR has launched a new type of solid fuel combustion chamber, the model CGM/6000 chamber. The new combustion chamber is characterized by the vertical feeding of the solid fuel, and its subsequ...
New dryer for porcelain surfaces
BERALMAR is working on a new order for a dryer for porcelain surfaces in Spain. In 2018 BERALMAR supplied a box-type chamber dryer for a leading manufacturer in the sector. The project was a succes...
Komplett üzem megrendelése Kazakstanban
Ha a novemberi hírlevélben megemlítettük, hogy a BERALMAR az elmúlt évtizedben 5 teljes üzemet szállított Közép-Ázsiában, akkor hamarosan hozzá kell adnunk a hatodikat. A BERALMAR egy...
Új gyár üzembe helyezése Turkmenistánban
A BERALMAR egy teljesen új gyárat helyezett üzembe Türkmenisztánban. A közép-ázsiai ország keleti részén, a libadai régióban épült új, több termékes DÖWLETI DOWREN gyár, amelyne...
Szintézisgázzal égő berendezések megrendelése
A BERALMAR nagyon jelentős megrendelésen dolgozik: duális égőberendezések szállítása, amelyek földgázzal és szintézisgázzal egyaránt működhetnek. A projekt egy moduláris gázosít...