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New production line for SEKRA CERAMICS (Russia) ()

BERALMAR has been selected for a new project in Russia. This is for the supply of a new production line for SEKRA CERAMICS in the city of Novocheboksarsk (Chuvash Republic). This city is located in the European part of Russia, half way between Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan We recommend following the Wikipedia link at the end of this article to learn more about this small, resource-rich republic with its own culture.

The new line will need to produce 30 million units per year of perforated clinker facing bricks and solid paving slabs, with all formats bevelled on their four faces.

BERALMAR’s supply for this new line can be summarised as:

- MESTRAL model semi-continuous dryer, with travelling (start of dryer) and fixed conical recirculation fans.

- FORNTHERMIC model kiln, especially built for regular firing temperatures of up to 1,200ºC, fitted with natural gas combustion equipment.

- Automation equipment for cutting (multiple cutters with bevelling), dryer loading and unloading with slats, car stacking and unstacking in the form of four robots and for car movement.

This new line will be the second in Russia completely supplied by BERALMAR. BERALMAR is making great efforts in the Russian market and can be expected to tackle new projects soon.

+ info:

Nova línia de producció per a SEKRA CERAMICS (Rússia)
Nova línia de producció per a SEKRA CERAMICS (Rússia)