Beralmar - Newsletter 49 March 2011
Newsletter 49 - March 2011
Approximate reading time: 5 minutes
  • Ceramics Industry

The Polish government has published a study on access to housing and the property market in Poland, which shows some interesting figures.

On the one hand it found that the country has a deficit estimated at 1.5 million housing units, though high prices are the main cause: the average wage in Poland is equivalent to the price of 0.8 m2, which in large cities decreases to 0.5 m2, while in Western Europe the average wage is the equivalent to between 1 and 3 m2 of housing.

Added to this latent demand for 1.5 million homes are the 200,000 homes in poor condition that the government considers should be knocked down.

Despite the difficulty in access to housing, it is worth noting that in the last 6 years an average of 165,000 homes per year have been built, the highest since the regime change in Poland.

For this reason the Polish government has announced an ambitious housing plan for the 2011-2020 period, which can been consulted in the links at the bottom of the article.

  • Corporate

Albert Sala (Terrassa, 25 years old) recently joined the BERALMAR technical team as a commissioning technician.

Albert trained as an electromechanical technician and joins BERALMAR with 5 years experience as a commissioning technician for textile machinery.

We wish him a swift and successful integration into the BERALMAR team that will allow him to develop his career in our sector, of which it has always said "anyone who works in the ceramics industry for 3 years will stay forever".

  • News and Accomplishments

The first unit, applied to the agricultural industry.

BERALMAR has developed a new combustion chamber model for solid fuels, for both coal and biomass.

It is a chamber for the vertical injection of dry, powdered fuel, where combustion doesn't takes place on a grill but as the fuel is injected by gravity through the roof of the combustion chamber.

This camera has 2 possible applications:
- Use of hot air together with the combustion fumes.
- Coupling the combustion chamber to a heat exchanger.

Currently this chamber is designed for 5 power levels, from 1 to 5 million kcal/h.

This new combustion chamber has recently been applied successfully in an agricultural dryer. Also in the pipeline is the planned first delivery of a 2 millon kcal/h combustion chamber and a heat exchanger of the same capacity, so that the final result will be clean and hot air with 80-85% energy efficiency.

We will soon report on the results of this combustion chamber in the brick dryer. | Change language | Unsubscribe | Disclaimer
Beralmar Tecnologic, S.A. | Avda. del Vallès, 304 | E-08227 Terrassa (Barcelona) | T. +34 937 312 200 |