Last December in Munich, EUROCONSTRUCT, an independent market research group for the construction industry that is made up of 19 european instututes, presented a report on the current situation and forecast for the construction sector in Europe.
According to the report, the construction sector in the 19 markets analysed by EUROCONSTRUCT (Austria, Belgium, Czech Rep., Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, Irleand, Holland, Norway, Poland, Slovakia., Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom) could reach the record figure of 2.6 milion new homes built in 2007. Remarkably, almost a third of these new homes correspond to the Spanish market.
As for the year 2008, a slight set back is forecast in the construction sector. However, according to the afore-mentioned report, there are some notorious exceptions: while the construction of new homes in Ireland is expected to decrease by 16% in 2009 compared with 2006, this activity could increase by 10% for the same period in Holland, the U.K., Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.